ESTJ: Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

ESTJ personality types are analytical, goal-oriented, decisive and organised.

Note: This is a resource page on ESTJ - there are 16 Types of MBTI personalities.  Find out which are you.   This resource page is frequently referred to in our MBTI Teambuilding Workshops to help participants get more information about their MBTI Type.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator identifies 16 personality types, including ESTJ (MBTI). If you took this inventory and discovered that you are an ESTJ, understanding what this means will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Learning more about the ESTJ personality type can also help you become more aware of how you interact with others. It may even assist you in selecting a career that plays to your strengths and preferences.

ESTJ is an acronym that stands for Extraverted (likes to spend time with people), Sensing (pays attention to the five senses), Thinking (heavily weighs principles and facts), and Judging (prefers a more structured lifestyle).

What Personality Type Is the ESTJ?
ESTJs are frequently described as logical, commanding individuals.
They are assertive and concerned with keeping things running smoothly and in accordance with the rules.

Traditions, standards, and laws are important to ESTJs. They have strong convictions and sound judgment, and they expect others to follow these same principles.

The creator of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, David Keirsey, suggests that the ESTJ personality type is the “Guardian Supervisor.” An estimated 8% to 12% of the population in the United States has an ESTJ personality type.

This, along with ISTJ, ISFJ, and ESFJ, makes it one of the most common. Each of these personality types accounts for approximately 8% to 14% of the population, while others account for only 1% to 9% of the population.

ESTJ Key Characteristics

Individuals with this personality type value tradition, rules, and security highly. ESTJs value maintaining the status quo and are frequently involved in civic duties, government branches, and community organizations.

Because of their traditional outlook on life, an ESTJ can be perceived as rigid, stubborn, and unyielding. Because of their assertive personality, ESTJs are natural leaders.

ESTJs excel at putting plans into action because of their self-assurance and strong convictions. However, they can appear critical and aggressive at times, especially when others fail to meet their high expectations.

ESTJs are frequently described as predictable, stable, committed, and practical. When it comes to sharing their opinions, they tend to be very forthright and honest, which can sometimes come across as harsh or overly critical.

Famous ESTJ Person

MBTI Team Building with ESTJ

Margaret Thatcher

Principled and steadfast in her beliefs, Thatcher often found herself making enemies. Yet, she was considered steadfast and dependable, and judicial in her rulings. She believed there was a definite right and wrong and never wavered when she believed in something being right. This is classic ESTJ

ESTJ Strengths

ESTJs push themselves to achieve their goals by organizing people and resources. They have a large network of contacts and are not afraid to make difficult decisions when necessary. They place a high value on competence.

Potential areas of growth for ESTJs

People with the ESTJ personality type are so focused on the objective pursuit of their goal that they ignore the ideas or feelings of others. Situations requiring an intimate rapport are more likely to be uncomfortable for them. They may not gather enough information before acting, and thus risk missing out on new opportunities that are not already part of their plan.

Relationships with ESTJs

Relationships in general ESTJs are trustworthy and take their commitments seriously. Once they’ve committed to a relationship, they’ll stick with it for the rest of their lives. However, ESTJs have a tendency to avoid emotions and feelings, which can be challenging for their partners at times. While they may not express themselves verbally, they will frequently convey their emotions through actions.

ESTJs, as extroverts, are outgoing and enjoy spending time with others. In social situations, they can be boisterous and funny, and they enjoy being the center of attention.

Family is extremely important to ESTJs, and they go to great lengths to fulfill their obligations to those they care about. Social gatherings are also important, and ESTJs are good at remembering important dates like birthdays and anniversaries. They eagerly anticipate weddings, family reunions, holiday parties, class reunions, and other special occasions.

One potential area of weakness for ESTJs in their relationships is their rigidity with rules and routines. They also value their own opinion and may be less willing to listen to what others have to say.

Personality Types That Get Along
You are more compatible with ISFJs, ISTPs, ISTJs, and ESFJs if you are an ESTJ. INFPs and INFJs are the personality types that have the least compatibility with an ESTJ. 5

ESTJ Career Opportunities

Because they value order and organization, ESTJs excel in leadership positions.
4 They are committed to ensuring that members of the group follow the rules, traditions, and laws established by higher authorities when in such positions.

ESTJs are hardworking and dependable at school and at work.

4 They work hard to follow instructions to the letter and have a high regard for authority. ESTJs are meticulous and punctual in their work, and they rarely question or complain about their responsibilities.

ESTJs have a diverse set of personality traits that enable them to excel in a variety of fields. Their emphasis on rules and procedures qualifies them for supervisory and management positions, while their respect for law, authority, and order qualifies them for law enforcement positions.

ESTJs enjoy setting specific goals and deadlines, as well as logically analyzing problems. They function best in a stable environment with well-defined roles and responsibilities. ESTJs are likely to be drawn to careers in law enforcement, manufacturing, and applied technology. Other career options include: Sales Engineer. Stockbroker. Insurance Agent. Sales Manager, Purchasing Agent, Real Estate Agent, Hotel Manager.

Contact us for MBTI Leadership Development or MBTI Team Building Workshop or MBTI LunchTime Talk or one to one Executive Coaching

To find out more about MBTI Types: Read Resource Page on 16 MBTI Types

For detailed reading of each of the 16 MBTI types, please click below. Enjoy!