ENTJ: Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging

ENTJ personality types are driven, organised, decisive natural leaders.

This is a resource page on ENTJ - there are 16 Types of MBTI personalities.  Find out which are you.   This resource page is frequently referred to in our MBTI Teambuilding Workshops to help participants get more information about their MBTI Type.

ENTJ stands for the “Extraverted Introverted Thinking” personality type, one of the 16 types determined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Isabel Myers and her mom, Katherine Briggs, who came up with this well-known test of character traits. Carl Jung’s theory of personality types serves as the foundation for this evaluation instrument. People with this personality type are often described by those around them as bold, fearless, and unafraid to speak their minds.

As psychologist David Keirsey points out, only 2% of people are ENTJs.

Key Characteristics of ENTJ

Those who fall into this category are social creatures who thrive in group settings. They are highly articulate, and they gain strength from social interaction.

ENTJ personalities are more interested in planning for the future than in living in the present. They are more interested in generalizations and theories than in specifics.

ENTJs put more stock in cold, hard facts when deciding on a course of action. Emotional considerations, both their own and those of others, are not a major factor in their decision-making.

Planners are ENTJs. They appreciate the feeling of predictability and control that comes from making decisions and having a schedule or course of action planned out.
Their logical thinking, problem-solving skills, and natural leadership ability make them invaluable. Because of these traits, they make excellent leaders who prioritize effectively resolving issues.

While ENTJs may struggle to connect with others on an emotional level, this does not mean they are cruel. They have a tendency to bury their feelings, seeing sentimentality as a flaw that should not be shown to the world.

Famous ENTJ People

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon, Alexander Hamilton, Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister. Margaret Thatcher, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney etc.

ENTJ extraverted intuition thinking judging

Time magazine named Schwarzenegger one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2004 and 2007. Schwarzenegger began lifting weights at the age of 15 and went on to win the Mr. Universe title at age 20 and subsequently won the Mr. Olympia title seven times.

ENTJ Strengths

ENTJs have a keen eye for the big picture and a head for the long haul. They are confident in their ability to lead others and take charge, and they have the ability to effectively coordinate other people and resources to achieve long-term goals.

Potential Development Areas for ENTJs

Potential growth areas for ENTJs include paying more attention to the needs of the people who will be putting their plans into action and being more appreciative of the contributions of others. Since they are so driven, they may scare others away with their assertiveness and their tendency to make everyone else follow their lead.

Personal Relationships of ENTJs

To refuel, ENTJs must interact with others; this is because they are extroverts (unlike introverts, who expend energy in social situations). In their free time, they enjoy engaging in heated discussions and debates. Others may be threatened by an ENTJ because of their commanding presence and impressive vocabulary. People with this personality type can’t help but spread the word when they have a brilliant idea.

Although they are gifted communicators, ENTJs may struggle to read the emotional nuances of those around them. There are times when they have trouble expressing their emotions, and their penchant for debates can make them come across as aggressive, argumentative, and confrontational. By making an active effort to put themselves in the shoes of others, people can learn to deal with this issue.

Individuals with more delicate dispositions may find it difficult to communicate with them. Although they are outgoing, those around them might mistake their lack of expression of emotion for insensitivity.

Career Opportunities for ENTJs

Since ENTJs are confident public speakers with excellent interpersonal skills, ENTJs often find themselves in positions of authority.

These people frequently find themselves in positions of authority within a group, often without a clear understanding of how they arrived there. The ENTJ’s preference for order and method makes them an effective leader and manager who can steer teams to success. They can assess the situation, formulate a strategy, and delegate tasks to team members with lightning speed.

Careers with a lot of structure but also a lot of room for variety are ideal for ENTJs. Jobs where they can interact with a wide variety of people would suit them well. This personality type possesses many desirable traits, such as strong leadership and communication abilities, a can-do work ethic, and an eye for the long view.

ENTJs are forward-thinking problem-solvers who aren’t afraid to make difficult calls. For them, the ideal workplace is one that is rapidly expanding, as this provides the most opportunities for challenge, growth, and recognition. Individuals with the ENTJ personality type are often drawn to careers that require decisive action and objective analysis.

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To find out more about MBTI Types: Read Resource Page on 16 MBTI Types

For detailed reading of each of the 16 MBTI types, please click below. Enjoy!