ENFJ: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging

ENFJs are typically warm, collaborative and supportive, as well as friendly, organised and persuasive.

This is a resource page on ENFJ - there are 16 Types of MBTI personalities.  Find out which are you.   This resource page is frequently referred to in our MBTI Teambuilding Workshops to help participants get more information about their MBTI Type.

ENFJ, also known as the giver or protagonist personality, is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality types (MBTI). ENFJ is an acronym that stands for extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging, with each component representing a distinct MBTI category.

ENFJ personality types are described as warm, outgoing, loyal, and sensitive.

The ENFJ is widely considered to be the most extroverted and sociable of all personality types. They are able to connect with people of all personality types and dispositions, and form lasting friendships.

They may influence and even manipulate others due to their empathic nature and the power they wield over people’s actions. They counterbalance this by having strong morals and a drive to encourage others to reach their full potential. To put it another way, ENFJs are the polar opposite of ISTPs.

A person with an ENFJ personality is unusual. David Keirsey, a psychologist, estimates that between 2 and 5 percent of the population possesses an ENFJ personality type.

Key ENFJ Characteristics

Strong extroverts, ENFJs take pleasure in the company of others. This ensures that they rarely experience feelings of isolation.

Those who fall under the ENFJ personality type are known for their exceptional people skills, which include being warm, affectionate, and supportive.

The ENFJ is a natural-born motivator and finds fulfillment in giving back to the community.

In their desire to help others, ENFJs may overlook their own requirements.
Additionally, ENFJs have a tendency to be overly critical of themselves, taking the rap for their failures and failing to give themselves enough credit for their successes. For this reason, people with this character trait must make sure to take care of themselves on a regular basis.

ENFJs have a knack for uniting groups with wildly different perspectives. As a result, they have the potential to be outstanding leaders and inject an infectious sense of energy into any group.

Famous ENFJs include Nelson Mandela (picture below), Jennifer Lawrence, Ben Affleck, Sean Connery, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack, etc.

Famous ENFJ

Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician who served as the first president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country’s first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by fostering racial reconciliation.

ENFJs – Strengths

An ENFJ’s strengths lie in their ability to collaborate with others and make decisions that take into account the feelings and opinions of those around them. They have a natural ability to rally their followers behind a common cause.

Potential development areas for ENFJs

A lack of input from others might be discouraging for those with the ENFJ personality type, who tend to talk a lot. They have high standards for teamwork and often struggle with disagreement and lack of agreement. When making choices, they could fail to consider rational, factual considerations.

Personal Relationships with ENFJ

The relationships of an ENFJ are characterized by warmth, nurturing, and support because of the high importance they place on the other person. It’s not uncommon for them to suffer from “problematic empathy,” or an excessive preoccupation with the troubles of others.

They have a strong desire to aid others, but their eagerness to do so can come across as intrusive. Despite this, they are popular because of the sincerity of their care.

Although ENFJs are often accused of being “helicopter parents,” they are loving and nurturing caregivers. They take an active role in their children’s lives, despite their tendency toward rigidity and strictness.

It’s especially important for ENFJ parents to remember to encourage their children to develop their own unique identities as they enter adolescence.

As a result, ENFJs are naturally sociable and love being in the company of others. They gain vitality from being around other people.

Friends and loved ones of those with protagonist personalities are often described as caring and enjoyable companions. They have a remarkable knack for connecting with others and are widely admired for their ability to bring out the best in those they hang out with.

Career Opportunities of ENFJ

ENFJs thrive in fields where they can be of service to others and spend a lot of time communicating with others. ENFJs have the potential to be excellent leaders and managers due to their outstanding interpersonal and organizational abilities.

They excel at planning events, encouraging others to reach their full potential, and settling disputes amicably. They always look for ways to make things easier for everyone and seem to have a knack for smoothing over tense situations and reducing disagreements.

ENFJs take pleasure in assisting others in learning new abilities, organizing their schedules, and meeting their goals. They perform at their best when they are encouraged to work together toward common goals. Careers in helping professions like therapy, education, medicine, and the ministry often appeal to ENFJs.

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To find out more about MBTI Types: Read Resource Page on 16 MBTI Types

For detailed reading of each of the 16 MBTI types, please click below. Enjoy!