ENTP: Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving

ENTP personality types are strategic, adaptable, energetic and enthusiastic.

This is a resource page on ENTP - there are 16 Types of MBTI personalities.  Find out which are you.   This resource page is frequently referred to in our MBTI Teambuilding Workshops to help participants get more information about their MBTI Type.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator recognizes 16 distinct personality types, one of which is ENTP – Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving.

People who fall into this personality category are typically praised for their originality, intelligence, and outgoing nature. Additionally, ENTPs are known for their focus on ideas, which has led to them being labeled as “the innovator,” “the visionary,” and “the debater.”

ENTPs care more about coming up with new ideas and theories than they do about the specifics of everyday life. The result is that they have a propensity to think of idea after idea without ever taking the necessary steps to make their ideas a reality.

Psychologist and developer of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter David Keirsey labels ENTPs as Rational Inventors. According to him, only about 5–10% of people have what he calls a “Rational” personality.

Key ENTP Characteristics

People who have the ENTP personality trait are generally good communicators and love meeting new people. They have excellent conversational skills and enjoy debating with others.

They are looking ahead rather than focusing on the here and now. Because they are preoccupied with long-term goals rather than immediate concerns, they may begin but never complete any given projects.

Being social is important to ENTPs, and they thrive in situations where they can talk with others about topics that interest them. They tend to take life relatively easy and get along well with others. However, they have a tendency to let their ideas and plans distract them from the people closest to them.

They are typically slow to pass judgment. What they really want to do is wait and see what happens before making any kind of decision or committing to any kind of action.

ENTPs are interested in learning as much as they can about the world as possible. They have a voracious appetite for knowledge and are quick to draw conclusions. They have a rapid learning curve and can pick up on new concepts quickly.

The idea that ENTPs enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing is a common misconception. People with this trait aren’t afraid to argue their point of view, but they also enjoy debates as a way to learn more about a subject, understand other people’s perspectives, and persuade them.

Famous ENTP Persons


Barack Obama

We all know what a great debater Obama is. He is also known to be stubborn and is willing to question everything.

ENTP Strengths
ENTPs are known for their original approaches to problems and their ability to spot hidden patterns and connections in complex systems. They take pleasure in formulating plans, and they have a knack for spotting and seizing advantageous opportunities.

Potential Development Areas for ENTP
When faced with a decision, ENTPs may procrastinate or get excited about an impractical idea because of a lack of time or money. They could be too hostile toward people and their ideas.

Relationships with ENFP

It may not be shocking that ENTPs are excellent communicators since they are classified as extroverts. They have excellent interpersonal skills and value relationships with their extended family, close friends, and new acquaintances. People around them often remark on how intelligent they are in conversation.

ENTPs will frequently argue for the sake of argument. Since ENTPs enjoy arguing both for and against points, they may find themselves at odds with those who view their devil’s advocate persona as deliberate hostility.

Career Opportunities for ENTP

The ENTP personality struggles with monotony and routine. They are rebels who thrive in environments where they can use their imagination and express their individuality. Given the right environment, ENTPs can be successful in a variety of fields.

Due to their strengths as debaters and communicators, ENTPs may find satisfying careers in the legal field. The ENTP’s natural aptitude for logic, imagination, and leadership can make for a winning combination in the workplace.

ENTPs are ‘happiest’ in environments that allow them to exercise their independence and encourage them to think creatively. They take pleasure in presenting innovative opportunities and technical answers to others. ENTPs are well-suited for a wide range of professions, including those in the arts, management, finance, and engineering.

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To find out more about MBTI Types: Read Resource Page on 16 MBTI Types

For detailed reading of each of the 16 MBTI types, please click below. Enjoy!